Moral Philosophy
Moral Philosophy
When we approach the issues of morals, we need to first consider what is determining appropriate and or inappropriate relations. (Current hierarchies of power or control of public (Money) (banks)) Starting with the Golden Rule is a great path to understanding desired ethical conduct; I will treat you equal or better than I treat myself. Now to think in modern human terms, who cares, but let’s do something different. Let’s think of more advanced civilisations, let’s think what happens when highly advanced beings all come together, and work together. Do you think they would enslave their equals or betters to work for them?
I don’t, why? Because once a civilisation acquires the means to create structures such as Dyson Spheres (objects that would be used to harvest a suns energy more directly than our current level of technology is capable of), as observed, or potentially observed in relation to the waves recorded from Tabby’s Star.
( ) A star that could have one or more alien like objects orbiting the sun close enough to utilise fusion directly off the sides of the sun.
What I am trying to suggest is that if humanity is here in 500 years, we will have learnt to better work together, or face great technological regression. I am clearly in favour of the evolution of post-modern anthropological cultures sooner rather than later. How do I plan to demonstrate this understanding? With my actions, helping you and everyone else will start our moral evolution. From one that pretends to reward good behaviour, to one that sees good morals as a byproduct of intelligent design.
How do I speak with such authority on a subject I have no formal background in, let’s just say hard work is not always obvious. Regardless, actions always speak louder and once anyone really takes a detailed view of the economic system, it’s not hard to see why each younger generation is victimised by the one that preceded them. Each eye on the power ladder needs to be aware their crimes reflect on the layer below them, so by starting on a new ladder of thinking, I hope to show people how to help themselves and others. What should we call this new ladder; perhaps nature the one who inspired it deserves the credit. Not once have I heard a rock cry in the rain, the wind or the snow, and in the same way, humanity will only get smarter, or die in the process.
We as people can benefit the same way, rather than me making a business that takes down yours, or your families well being. My business is one that rewards your good moral conduct, or helps you with your greatest struggles. In the same process assisting you with greater understandings. In a sense you could say I plan to build you up. If my proven value added relation builds your value, you might find the benefit of building our value.
Then fast forward to 50 years in the future and ask yourself, how did we get this far (technologically, socially,intellectually) this fast? The next major social transformation over the coming (x), and we may have a populous that is strong enough to understand that we can all benefit far more by working together, than a few benefiting from us all competing against each other!
Red rover, red rover, we call natural progression over!
Thank you,