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Uncooperative Tenant

Removal Services

The world is a harsh place and the economic system does not guarantee affordable housing to anyone. Despite this landlords far too often get stuck with the bill as uncooperative tenants do everything they can to remain in their unwelcome nests.


What I want to do for you is allow you risk free access to a resource unlike any I have ever heard of. If I can help you and your uncooperative tenant so you both make it out of an undesirable situation with minimal loss, I ask the landlord pay me the value of one month’s rent on the unit when I am successful.


What I provide is a stress free mediator service where I approach the tenant like a concerned friend. I offer them help and services that will make finding and moving to their new home much easier. How do I do this, with a history as a good listener, a large network of contacts, a fair comprehension of law, experience writing sub lease agreements,  unlimited problem solving potential, an on call moving truck and junk removal company, a cleaning company on call and direct ties to countless realtors. No risk and a sure stepping piece for anyone who wants to avoid an escalating conflict with their uncooperative tenant.


This is the easiest and kindness way to get across to a bad tenant they have to go, and I will do everything I can to help them get their new home in the process. This takes stress off your back and let’s everyone walk away from the situation feeling good about their decisions.

© 2018-2024 by Joseph McDonald & Joe & Company Consulting.

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 416-998-5037. Serving North Bay, Barrie, Collingwood, Angus, Midland, Orillia, Huntsville, Toronto, and beyond. 

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