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How do we decide, what is beautiful?

& Who are we to Judge What is Not?

Your whole life people have been trying to tell you;

somethings are beautiful, and some things are not.

Some things are strong, some are weak,

Some are proper, some are not,

Some are good, some are not,

Some things can be done, and others cannot

Please take a moment and look at the collage above, think about what you find beautiful and what you do not, and if you can, try to find where the source of those judgements comes from.

Is it your DNA, the media, your parents, teachers, your peers, your soul, is it god?


Through my life I have been given some opportunity to form differences of opinion.

Through my meditations, through my guides and teachers I have learned not to judge.

So for me, I do not judge.

A person can say, one person is crazy, another fat, another is stupid. Sometimes these are quantifiable facts, and I like to think it's wise to never be upset by a fact. For instance if you were a midget, it's clear it would be unwise and unhealthy to be upset by this fact. Some facts can be changed, like in the case of obesity, but for those that cannot, we shall not be upset.

How much more graceful would your life be? If you could get joy from unpleasant situations and pleasant ones, and see beauty where others see ugly.

My question than becomes, why do we judge?

We need discernment, there is no doubt, and we can clearly see 10 is higher than 8. But in our core of consciousness, if we are conscious. Do we need to judge?

For myself, the answer is clear. I don't need to judge, and I find great freedom in avoiding judgement. As a teacher once taught me about reading, we read to gain more perspectives. So if I am looking upon a woman, I look from the eyes of a man, and traditionally speaking vice versa. To run with this idea is to ultimately see the world from the eyes of God or the creator. The master architect can be said to have created beauty everywhere, however if you ask people, they sometimes will share they cannot see it. So before we look from the eyes of god, try from the eyes of another.


Now let's step away from philosophy for a moment and let's think about the world of practically and business.

We as a whole we have allowed a small percentage of people to influence, guide or manipulate if you will. What is beautiful, the most obvious example of this is with feminine beauty. A plain girl relative to a girl who has a make up artist and stylist.

When we look at the trends of beautiful websites, it's clear flashy small pieces seem to be on trend relative to a slow moving wholesome website. This is the present we are being guided towards. However what we think is beautiful and what we are told is beautiful yet may still be different. This is another opportunity for humanity to use it's collective consciousness to help decide on the future we want.

Do we want Trans-humanism or a traditional conservative approach?

For myself, I find it's best to see beauty everywhere, produce beauty my own way, judge no one and in general let the children play.

For all things mentally stimulating, philosophy and making the world a better place, I am here to help,


Joseph McDonald


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